Welcome to CW Economics!

The study of economics is challenging and rewarding. Use this site to check up on topics covered, homework assigned, and assignments given.

Upcoming Assignments and Tests

  • Grade 12 Book Club Monday, January 16. Journals due Tuesday, January 17
  • Grade 12 essays due Tuesday, January 24 at 10:24am (2 COPIES)
  • Grade 11 Final Summative Game due Tuesday, January 24 at beginning of class.
  • Monetary Policy - Interest Rates due Tuesday, January 10
  • Banking Assignment due Friday, December 23

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What is a pure market economy? What is a mixed economy?

In a pure market economy, all decisions are made by private individuals and firms. The government's only role is to prevent illegal transfers of resources.
All economies have some elements of a command system (eg. gov't health care, education, business regulations) and a market system.
We will take up worksheet questions 1 and 2 tomorrow.
Here is the link to the Global Museum on Communism.
Karl Marx, author of The Communist Manifesto