Welcome to CW Economics!

The study of economics is challenging and rewarding. Use this site to check up on topics covered, homework assigned, and assignments given.

Upcoming Assignments and Tests

  • Grade 12 Book Club Monday, January 16. Journals due Tuesday, January 17
  • Grade 12 essays due Tuesday, January 24 at 10:24am (2 COPIES)
  • Grade 11 Final Summative Game due Tuesday, January 24 at beginning of class.
  • Monetary Policy - Interest Rates due Tuesday, January 10
  • Banking Assignment due Friday, December 23

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Red Army Reflection

Image result for red army movie
After viewing the film, answer the following reflection questions and hand in.  You may do this using paper, email, or ugcloud.
1.  The early days of this film recollect the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 80s.  Name 3 differences in lifestyle experienced by regular people in the USSR as compared to what we experienced in North America.
2.  Describe the differences in philosophy behind the hockey training in the USSR compared to North America.
3.  Give your impressions of the movie in general.  Was there anything that really stood out to you?  Give your evaluation of the movie.