Welcome to CW Economics!

The study of economics is challenging and rewarding. Use this site to check up on topics covered, homework assigned, and assignments given.

Upcoming Assignments and Tests

  • Grade 12 Book Club Monday, January 16. Journals due Tuesday, January 17
  • Grade 12 essays due Tuesday, January 24 at 10:24am (2 COPIES)
  • Grade 11 Final Summative Game due Tuesday, January 24 at beginning of class.
  • Monetary Policy - Interest Rates due Tuesday, January 10
  • Banking Assignment due Friday, December 23

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What are Market Structures?

How is the market for a good or service structured?  See p. 153 for a good overview.

Perfect Competition and Monopolistic Competition
- competitive
- there many small players who are price takers

Oligolpoly and Monopoly
- a few (or one!) large dominant players
- the firms are price makers