Welcome to CW Economics!

The study of economics is challenging and rewarding. Use this site to check up on topics covered, homework assigned, and assignments given.

Upcoming Assignments and Tests

  • Grade 12 Book Club Monday, January 16. Journals due Tuesday, January 17
  • Grade 12 essays due Tuesday, January 24 at 10:24am (2 COPIES)
  • Grade 11 Final Summative Game due Tuesday, January 24 at beginning of class.
  • Monetary Policy - Interest Rates due Tuesday, January 10
  • Banking Assignment due Friday, December 23

Friday, November 14, 2014

GDP Assignment - Time Magazine article

Is GDP an Obsolete Measure of Progress?    Read this article online then answer the questions below.  Submit your answers on paper or electronically. 
  1. When was GDP developed?  What was its purpose?
  2. What is the criticism that the author and other economists are making of GDP as a  measure of progress?
  3. Why is GDP still used so widely?
  4. Analyze 3 other indicators that could be used to measure a country’s progress.  Use an organizer similar to below.  You may need to research some information on the internet to complete it.

Name of indicator and what it stands for
Who has developed it?
What does it include?
Canada’s ranking



5.   Name 2 things someone in your family did this week that contributed (directly or indirectly) to GDP.

6.  Name 2 things someone in your family did this week that is of value but would not be counted in the GDP.