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The study of economics is challenging and rewarding. Use this site to check up on topics covered, homework assigned, and assignments given.

Upcoming Assignments and Tests

  • Grade 12 Book Club Monday, January 16. Journals due Tuesday, January 17
  • Grade 12 essays due Tuesday, January 24 at 10:24am (2 COPIES)
  • Grade 11 Final Summative Game due Tuesday, January 24 at beginning of class.
  • Monetary Policy - Interest Rates due Tuesday, January 10
  • Banking Assignment due Friday, December 23

Thursday, December 4, 2014

ASSIGNMENT - Where is Canada in the business cycle?

Where is Canada in the business cycle?

Here is the link to Statistics Canada's most recent listing of economic indicators.

For more information on unemployment rates over the last few years, click on the link given in November 23rd's posting. Look at the chart for Canada vs. US unemployment rates to see where our unemployment rates have been since the 2008-2009 recession.

1) What is happening to GDP, Unemployment, and inflation? Use these statistics to support your answer. Explain what they mean in your own words.

2) Are there any other indicators that look concerning? Explain what they mean in your own words.

3) Are there any other indicators that are positive? Use these statistics to support your answer. Explain in your own words what these statistics mean if necessary.

(GRADE 12) Your assignment: Where is Canada in the business cycle? Write your answer in 5 paragraphs. Use the above 3 questions as paragraph topics and have an opening and closing paragraph. Use these indicators to support your answer.

(GRADE 11) Your assignment: Where is Canada in the business cycle? State your answer then support it by using your answer to question 1. Do not answer questions 2 and 3. Your answer should be approximately half a page, and will be easier to read if you don't make it all one long paragraph.